Yummy in my Tummy! [p]

WC 2+ Thank you!

Terra. The femme repeated the coywolf’s name in her mind. Her movements didn’t go unnoticed by the wolf. She wondered why the girl was so apprehensive. Was this a packwolf from the war altercations Jiva had told her about? Maybe everyone was just on edge in neutral territories. Palaydrian tried to make her stance casual, not wanting her new acquaintance to think there was any hostility between them. She was still new to these lands, and if her pack had anything against hybrids, she was none the wiser.

She took a few tentative bites of her kill, allowing the hunger pangs in her stomach to adjust to the sudden influx of food before taking large bites. Drin didn’t realize how hungry she was until the flavor of blood consumed her tastebuds. She glanced up at Terra, hopefully enjoying her meal as well. Drin eventually moved to a laying down position with the finished remains of her half between her paws. She licked at the bones, satisfied with her lunch. “Are you in one of the packs?” Drin asked, curious of which borders she may might be close to at the moment.

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