Rousing the Succubus

W00t. I'll post to have you titled and stuff; you can go post places now. But we should probably have at least a couple more replies here so that everyone knows what's going on IC. XD;

Anselm had never met someone before who managed to catapult from one persona to the next so quickly--nor had he met anybody that made him change his mind so damn much. He was used to looking at someone and figuring them out; it was practically an innate ability for him. This girl, though, had managed to clog up the sensors or something and now the radar was all out of whack. She'd gone from the victim, to the crazy lady, and now she was back at stage one. Well, being abused could do that. Maybe she wasn't as bad as he had thought. That was extremely reassuring, honestly.
As for her request, he flat out refused to turn his back on this girl. She appeared rather battered and weak, but appearances could be deceiving--and she was shifted, and he was only halfway there. Instead, he took a seat again. This time, he did not sit as properly, but he used his butt as a tripod of sorts so that his hind feet were free. He angled them both toward her, just in case. After he decided she'd had enough time to gawk at his feet, he decided it was time to keep moving forward--figuratively, of course.
"Well, for what it's worth I'm sorry that you were... captured? but you must understand that it is critical I know who did this to you. Was it Dahlia de Mai? They've already taken a hostage from here"--it was difficult to say this, knowing that he had failed--"and I wouldn't be surprised if they mistook you for one of us. If it was someone else, I need to know if they'll be making further trouble with us. And either way you slice it, if you stay here you need to get yourself better so you're ready to fight. Trouble's always knocking at the door.
"I'm Anselm."

Welcome to 'Souls!

Hey, welcome to 'Souls. You've just joined the craziest bunch of wolf roleplayers on the vast internet. If you haven't done so already, you should check out the RP Guide for detailed information about our werewolves and other general role playing information.

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___1. Make your first IC post within five days.

___2. Update your profile with a bit of background information on your character.

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