Yummy in my Tummy! [p]

WC:: 200+

Being Luperci is a gift child,” Syliat soothed, gently brushing the tears off of Palaydrian’s 4 month old face. “Then why did-did they call me n-names?” The pup whined in hyperventilating breaths, the voice of child who’d spent an hour bawling. “Because the ignorant throw rocks at the things they do not understand...cannot even begin to fathom a different way of life when they are so stubbornly stuck in the past. The world has moved on Palaydrian. Keep your chin up, all this...them, will mean nothing one day.” The demon embraced her great granddaughter and sent her on her way. The pup hadn’t understood what she had meant then, but now grown, Drin was beginning to realize how very much so her old pack and the lands she had grown up in differed from the thoughts and ideals of Souls wolves.

The tawny femme felt a stab of embarrassment from the look Terra gave her, but perhaps she should’ve fleshed out her question a bit more. “Oh, of course a pack would need its hierarchy in place. I simply meant, well, they do not discriminate against lineage or blood?” She hoped her question wasn’t offensive. Drin had no qualms against coyotes or mix breeds. Mostly because she hadn’t had the opportunity to have conversations with other breeds other than wolf, but she had no reason or thought ingrained in her brain to be racist. “I realize now, how many of the packs differ from each other. Could you tell me more about yours?” Hopefully her curiosity wasn’t a burden.

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