M-My Protector
He had left pack lands for a short while, hoping to drown out his hurt Terra had left him with. He had made the trek to the somewhat rocky shores, wanting the silence and a place to write. When he got to the shores he put down his staff and his dagger and shed his robes before shifting into his secui form as he jumped from the rocks to the somewhat sandy shores, scaring a seal in the process. He took off, the sand beneath his paws sinking slightly as he ran. He kicked up fur with his powerful strides, a dolphin splashing in the shallows next to him.

He was letting his pent up emotions out and as he ran he howled his longing and need for someone to love, someone to understand him. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't see her till he was flying though the air, head over heels. He landed on his side, the wind knocked out of him momentarily. He got back up in a flash, turning and barring he fangs at his assailant. He growled until he saw who it was and pulled away, sitting back on his haunches. "Terra?" he said as he looked at the woman. She smelled... sweet...inviting and he felt the need to claim her as his. But she had made it clear she didn't want him.

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