M-My Protector
OOC: Is Terra getting preggers here? | WC :: +000

He forgot how small she was, how soft. She rubbed against him and her scent over powered him. Something was different about her. She didn't smell the same. He nipped at her as she rubbed her small frame against him and nudged her softly. He stood and playfully pushed against her. "Yes a long time. You have changed. You smell so good," he whispered nipping at her flank. He was so hurt by the way she had left him while she went off. He had wanted to be part of her life and now... He was confused. There was so much need in her voice and he longed for a mate. Someone to bare his children and give him a family. Someone to love him.

"Terra... Please stop. I don't....know if you really want me like that. You made it clear I wasn't for you," he said wanting so much more from her. He was already struggling for control over how he felt and now she was... she was what? "Terra... are you in heat?" he asked softly, pulling away.

The greatest patience is humility.
template by revo. <3


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