Yummy in my Tummy! [p]

WC:: 4+

Palaydrian nodded at Terra’s response and a friendly smile played on her lips. Her assumptions had been correct after all. A story teller, Drin thought to herself remembering a few of the elders in her pack as holding such titles. She fondly thought of the large pack meetings where they’d gather in the high places to hear the stories of old being told in the dying light of the sun going down. Here she came to realize that the wolves who so openly embraced Luperci also harnessed fire, which she had a natural fear of. Yet tales were told by fireside here, and the golden femme knew she eventually had to get over her fear or be forever the odd woman out.

I’m not a fighter either,” Drin admitted with a slight shrug of her shoulders as she drew her body off the ground to sit back on her haunches. She wasn’t able to mask the surprise that came over her when Terra asked her about gardening. The fae supposed she had wrongly assumed all wolves in these parts had some knowledge of the human pastime. Her smile broadened, she wasn’t as sheltered as she thought she was, well at least not with this.

It’s growing and cultivating plantlife,” she said with some pride, “Well more specifically vegetables or herbs that can be used and consumed either for food or medicinal purposes. Though, when I was younger I also liked planting different kinds of flowers,” she laughed softly at this confession, “I’d arrange bouquets for my mother, but you could eventually dry out the flowers to create infusions for teas.” Drin hadn’t realized how much her great grandmother was teaching her when she was a pup until the words fell off her tongue. Had Syliat been planning on turning her into a healer? The newfound purpose for her green thumb made her heart beat faster, she wanted to practice her skills and see how much knowledge she had obtained.

Now I’m getting carried away, but that’s basically the jist,” she said, feeling that now would be a good time to ask Terra about her feelings on New Dawn. “What you said earlier...about my pack being different from yours. I couldn’t help but notice some...discomfort?” She asked, trying to keep her voice from being accusatory. She simply wanted to know if maybe Terra knew something about her new pack that she didn’t.

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