M-My Protector
Aylu let her close, let her lick him softly. She was in heat and she wanted him to mate with her. Was that all he was good for to her? He had backed up and she had growled at him, moving back to him. He growled softly and stomped a little before grabbing her by her scruff and pushed her down. He wanted to pin her, to claim her as his mate. He wanted her and at the moment she wanted him. He licked her cheek and nudged her softly. "Do you really want this? Do you really want to mate with me?" he whispered softly nipping her ear
It was growing harder and harder to resist her smell, her body. He had the urge to take her, mate with her. She looked so small and weak. Would she even be able to take him inside her? He didn't want to hurt her. She was so small. He nuzzled her softly and nipped her again. "I want you Terra. I have wanted you for a while," he said softly.

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