M-My Protector
He was having a hard time controlling himself as she rubbed against him, pressed against him. He didn't like mating in this form but as she pushed against him again he lost control. He grew hard for her, his length growing. He nuzzled her before pushing her down. He wanted her to submit, to let him have complete control over her before he filled her with his seed. "Submit to me Terra and I'll give you what you want... I know what you want," he said nipping and nudging her to submit, to show her stomach to him.

He licked at her swollen opening softly, teasingly. She was sweet tasting and he wanted more but not before she submitted to him. He nipped at her, nudged her, rubbed against her. He knew what she wanted. Knew how to give it to her. And she would be his first. What happened if she got pregnant with his pups? Would she still want him around? Would he be the only one she mated with?

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