OOC: x.x Ugh I'm SO sorry hon.

The dark girl simply stared at the stranger for a moment following his words. He had a point, and sighed heavily as she let her tension go. Kol was still wary of the tawny male, but she was far enough away that she felt she could afford to take her sore muscles off red alert, and she quite honestly felt bad for her attitude. "You're right, I apologize. It just seems to me that ever since I got here, all anyone does is stare and keep their mouths shut. I can understand glancing at someone and leaving them be, but it annoys the hell out of me when someone instead just sits there and stares. The feeling of being watched is just slightly unnerving. Unless it's just me and I'm odd to feel that way." She raised a brow at the stranger, knowing for a fact that she wasn't the only one alive that hated the feeling of being watched.

The female's eyes tightened ever so slightly as her angry shoulder complained again, but she ignored it for the most part. Instead, she focused on the stranger, noting his stature, his coat of mottled browns and golds, and his unnerving blood red eyes. It was an odd, but not unimpressive, combination and Kol found herself wondering just what his lineage was, exactly. She'd come across those of similar color before, but they were nearly universally mixed with something other than pure wolf at some point in their bloodline. Coyote by his scent, but she could be mistaken. Perhaps it was some breed of wild dog? Ah well, it didn't exactly matter for the moment, and quite honestly it was none of the new Dahlian's business anyway.

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