take my spirit from my open hand.

They are cute together! You let me know when you want to wrap up this thread and start the next one, kk? <3 WC: 293

"I guess it's a little like a snail, then...? Snail shells make nice decorations," Coli added meekly, watching as the starfish was placed on a rock in the direct sunlight. The creature did not seem to possess any measurable intelligence, so she did not think long on its predicament. Rather, she was quite curious as to how it would appear when dried.

Emma went on to mention Vancouver, a name she did not know. Colibri had unwittingly come very close to the oceanside city, though, during her solitary trip across the wide expanse of the north. She had been turned around before she reached the western coast, making her way back to Nova Scotia. "Did you come a long way to get here?" she asked amiably. "And, are there pinching crabs here we need to avoid?" She quickly amended, suddenly anxious about their surroundings. It was as though the beach was a whole new world, filled with strange alien creatures with shells and claws and bright colors.

When the coywolf began walking, Coli hesitated for a moment -- should she really trust this stranger just because she had a pretty face? Coyotes, especially those associated with Inferni, were notorious tricksters who hated wolves like her. This rocky beach was a dangerous area, with many places she could fall, get trapped, or drown. But that notion seemed ridiculous as soon as it occurred to her -- Emma was too young for wickedness, too pure for blind hatred. Coli was the jaded and bitter one, mistrusting all coyotes for the transgressions of their minority. Without further pause, she stepped off the outcropping, landing heavily in the wet sand. "All right, let's start hunting," she said with a smile, pleased with how their encounter was progressing.


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