Don't you miss those you gave life to
I'm not sure if you said Io's SG is visible so I left it as though he wasn't

He cursed silently within his mind as her sharp voice whipped across the distance. His ears twitched and he got the sense of something else otherworldly, a soft beating in his ears, a slow mournful tune that he couldn't place and an old language that was complicated and convoluted. He blinked several times still motionless as the beat got louder and then stopped completely. He let out the breath he had been holding and slowly climbed t his feet, mud streaking his white fur. Strangely, strangely, strangely his emotions didn't die, didn't drain and the soul coldness did not settle over him when faced with this woman.

There was a weird energy around her and it made his fur prickle, it wasn't centered upon her but the focus was somewhere near and was attached to her. His breath shuddered out of him as he realised he was standing before something very old and very powerful, something sacred. He muttered to himself, the greeting of his people to whatever entity was out there, then his hawk gold eyes turned to her, focused on the question she had asked him,

"Yes. I was born in Ichika. We left because things because.. intolerable." He was still slightly bitter over the loss of his priesthood, that he had striven for his entire short life only to have the dream ripped away.

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