Defying Gravity

Even as a pup and adolescent, Ember had always been one for traveling. Once she'd discovered her independence she had felt the urge to roam, and the itch to explore the winding roads-less-travelled had not released her yet. She had tried to join packs, tried to live with family and get along with everybody...but time and time again, things had fallen apart in her life and she'd been forced to go through some major changes. Nomadic life, a life where she and only she had control, seemed to be the right way to go for her. Maybe someday she would choose to settle permanently, though. But it would have to be for a good reason.

Conversation was something that had always come easily to the charcoal wolf. She could speak with almost anybody about almost anything without getting embarrassed. There were times when she fought to find words for what she was trying to describe to whomever she spoke, but overall she thought that her conversational skills weren't bad at all. She just had to shove her true nervousness down deeply into herself and focus on what the other canine was saying and how she was saying it. Easy enough, for her. "I didn't know if you'd had th'chance to get all the way down to AniWaya, is all...the guides are pretty unique to that place. I believe that Utriu came to me because of my love of the oceans."

There were times that she forgot that Utriu was a whale, though, because of his preference of invisibility. She was used to him and her tie to him made her pay less attention to what he looked like or what form his spirit had taken. The other canine seemed to stumble over her words as she introduced herself. Sparrow. She certainly did remind Ember of a sparrow, a common, small, and somewhat flighty bird. Not that this Sparrow seemed common, at all. Her pelt was filled with its own pattern of luscious color, so unlike Ember's own that she felt a pang of envy. She had been jealous of her fawn colored sibling for most of their life, envious of her beautiful brown and cream pelt. She fought those thoughts from her head, nodding at the other.

Ember's own name would have made more sense if she'd had red or orange eyes instead of the green-blue that she did. She'd been named for someone else, a young black-pelted luperci that had been one of her father's good friends...and that didn't seem very fair. She'd been given a recycled name, one that she'd fought against and disliked for the first few years of her life. She wasn't Ember, she was herself. Over time, she'd come to realize that her name really did suit her and had even come to like it. "Ember. Ember Phoenix. I'm not tied ta any territory in particular...just a nomad living off the lands. Never met a member of Inferni who was so friendly. Most of 'em that I remember'd fight ya tooth and nail just for lookin' their way. I thought to take a dip in the pond...think I'd still like to put my feet in, if you want to come sit over here with me. Your choice."


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