Solitary Salutations
[html]sorry for the delay! I didn't know when this was set so I kept it vague.

With the impending crisis on Maggie's hands, she had often found solace in running away with Jasper, at least for a little while. The fast little horse could take her anywhere outside the kingdom, and today she had absolutely nowhere in mind she wanted to be, so she let the white stallion go wherever he pleased. Kimbra came along for the ride too, squawking as her master left her residence, and dutifully flew to Maggie's shoulder. Happy with her company for the day, Maggie set off at a brisk canter, intent on leaving the pack lands after her rounds for some solitude.

It wasn't long until Jasper tired and they had to stop. Maggie's belly wobbled as they slowed in pace, as if her unborn children were trying to get her to fall off the horse. Maggie smiled as her white steed crept to a walk, and she let go of his mane. The hybrid leaned back, stretching her hands to the heavens, and after a few moments curled them around her rather large belly as Kimbra grew impatient with her master. The Kite chose to take flight instead, making a large O-shaped swoop around Magnolia.

The group came upon a small stream, which Maggie gladly took as an excuse to break. She drank heavily, indulging in the sweet coldness of the freshwater. She was about to hop back onto Jasper when unfamiliar scents rolled by her maw. The scout furrowed her brow, curious. They were still very close to the Kingdom's borders, and Maggie wondered who they could be. After Jasper drank she pulled his mane in the direction of the strangers, the Confidant choosing to walk on her own feet for the sake of being quiet. She motioned to Kimbra to look ahead, and the Kite sped ahead. After some circling, the animal came back calm. Her bird was a good indicator of wolfish behavior and so Maggie did not tense up. As she walked closer to them, she called out, her voice ringing like bells through the trees. "Who's there?" the pregnant one asked cheerfully, genuinely curious.


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