Wrong Side of the Bed
Even with the night's sleep she still felt tired and grumpy as Temo rustled her awake. She tried to ignore his movements, getting ready for his day's work but it was nigh on impossible no matter how quiet he was trying to be her hearing still picked up on it. Resigned to the start of a bad mood the woman hauled herself up out of their makeshift bed. Temo left just as she did and Jace silently cursed to whichever gods were listening was listening. Thankfully all of her children had already departed the house or they would have discovered her wrath and soon fled her presence. Maybe Temo had warned them.

A small breakfast was had which was odd considering the distance she had traveled in a relatively short time. She should have been starving but the notion of food made her feel slightly ill, so she ate only a meager amount. Her stomach protested and rumbled despite her nausea which didn't add to the mood and headache slowly brewing at the front of her skull. The door was slammed shut behind her and she set her direction towards the borders, pace quick, muttering angrily underneath her breath. She didn't even notice the blind carver sat in the morning sunshine.

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