self sabotage

Word Count & OCC→ 000/ Wojciech is visible too.

Io, while not skilled by any means at woodwork, was precise and focussed as she went about pinning the wood in place. People usually automatically looked at her and assumed that she was one of those girls who'd scream at a single speck of dirt on their pelts. But Io wasn't fussed as much over looks. Of course, she didn't like to be unnecessarily dirty, but then any no sane person did. It was just that Io understood the concept that hard work often required you to get at least somewhat dirty. Dust and dirt covered her legs and arms as she knelt to the ground and hammered the wood. The hybrid worked with the numbness of a master and fiddled with the nails like a beginner as she worked on the base wall of the coop.

Ruddy ears lifted upwards and flickered towards a somewhat familiar greeting. Aniwayan. And after speaking with her cousin in the old language she hadn't quite reverted back to tribe speak or even English. But even so the words were obviously greeting in tone. 'Czesc'. A tad informal, but it didn't matter as much in a different country and an in formal situation. 'I am building a chicken coop. I traded a pair of hens from another pack and I am getting another few, and ducks, from Freetown'. Io stood up, paused her speech, and looked around her, brushing stray strands of her mane away from her face. 'And a dovecote for that carrier pigeon...'

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