self sabotage

Word Count & OCC→ 000/

As she stood up she rested her hand on her waist and shifted her weight to one side. While she herself as a hardy worker, she was thin and almost frail. Nothing like most in her family, though most in her family were males. So she entitled herself to a break every so often. Secretly wishing she'd accepted Jan's offer of help because then it was likely they'd be halfway through it already. Shaking her head briefly at the prospect of her working day being over so fast, she turned to regard Ulilohi. 'Yes, it is a large port down south' The hybrid explain quickly, 'It is the port my cousin works near, and where all this construction equipment came from', she continued, gesturing loosely first to her cousin then to the wood and tools.

Jan picked up the blueprints to both sets of housing and passed them to Io. Both were on large scrolls of well kept paper and delicately drawn, with several edits made to come to a perfect mix of efficiency and aesthetics. Although she did not drawn them up herself, Io still found pride deep down somewhere as she stared at them, knowing that it had been her idea primarily anyway. Passing them to the council woman she smiled, 'Pigeons? Yes, I think so' the hybrid though for a second, 'Where you thinking of procuring more?'

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