Cat up a tree

Honrin was very tense as she watched her move about cautiously. His arms were outstretched still, ready to catch her or even fall with her and cushion the impact should it be needed. Behind him his tail was as straight as it could be, but even still, there was still the kink in the end that was always present. His eyes had surpassed intense and had moved on to burning as he stared at his sister. Most wolves wouldn't look at each other in this way for fear of issuing a challenge but Honrin was not most wolves and Pandora was used to having his sparky gaze upon her form.

He gripped her softly yet firmly as she came down onto his branch, their eyes staying locked the entire time. And then finally she was on the same branch as he was, it took all his will no to shake like a leaf as he held her tightly. Now they just had to get down from this last branch and they would be safe. But as Honrin began to slowly push her toward the trunk a heavy wind struck up and sent the tree's limbs swaying. Panic overtook him again as their limb bounced and Honrin felt the grip of his feet slipping. Reacting without thinking the male pushed Pandora towards the trunk hoping she would grab on out of instinct. That act was the final thing to push him off balance and he toppled backwards off the branch to the floor below, landing upon the grassy ground with a muffled thump.

The air left his lungs as he hit the ground with a loud wheeze, star spots of color bursting in front of his eyes as his head hit the floor. But he was okay and mostly unharmed. The boy sat up with a groan and stretched out his new arm and hand to rub the growing lump on the back of his head.

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