self sabotage

Word Count & OCC→ 000/

Io nodded, 'Tak, but you could always swim or use a boat to cross the bay. I am not sure if the currents would allow however'. She turned around to regard Jan, hoping he'd know about the tides, but then again he wasn't used to Nova Scotia and knew little of the streams and currents around the peninsula. He only knew Freetown, Lisbon, Warsaw and Gdansk. Many times it had been noted that Cesarski had not been a port city, land or sea, because Jan and Rafal would have been in their place. Of course the only way to get their supplies was either from the capital or the nearest large city, Krakow. Jan suddenly piped up, looking as apathetic as his cousin usually did. 'Of course, north is a better option when you gotta big load' he explained, his tail flicking behind him tiredly.

'Well it would be simple to distribute them to our allies and teach them how to use them. They breed easily of course as I said and are typically docile and easy to keep' the Elan Soquili mused, before turning to her cousin. 'Tak. I suppose. Was her idea first though, she tol' me what to put an' I did' Jan explained simply, his similarly accent tone lack the proper English structure Io's had. A hardy dock speak replaced the proper English he'd been taught as a child.

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