Thunder's Fright


OOC here!

The puppy's pouting was ignored by his caretaker, which only caused him to pout further. Once again, he decided that he really didn't like Amy after all, although his opinion quickly changed when food was offered his way. Much like his mommy, Kohaku had a strong attraction towards food. For him, only two of the three important desires held any influence him: food and sleep. The puppy was too young to understand the last important desire of life.

Kohaku tore at his dried meat, practically inhaling it with the intensity of his gorging. It wasn't that the uninfected puppy liked dried meat, he was simply hungry and realized that he wasn't going to get anything better from Amy. Just as he had nearly finished his singular strip of meat were several more pieces were sent his way. There was more than enough to state his appetite for a while and Kohaku yipped with excitement. His tail wagged and his eyes glinted with anticipation as he pounced on the dried meat. He tore into the meat, growling and pawing at it happily. Kohaku's tiny jaws wrapped around the end of one of the bigger sticks and he shook his head violently as he pulled the meat apart. The pup's young mind had been changed again, deciding that Amy wasn't so bad after all.

The young male's meal was interrupted by an exceptionally loud clap of thunder. Fear gripped at his heart as he yipped in surprise. The action sent him coughing as he temporarily choked on a piece of meat. When his coughing fit subsided a few seconds later he looked around nervously. A bright light shone at the entrance of the den, quickly followed by another, softer clap of thunder. Either way, his nerves were shot and Kohaku dived into Amy's lap again. He hid his head in her belly and his tail sought shelter between his legs.

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