Thunder's Fright
A soft yip of excitement brought a smile from Amy. She'd been right about how hungry he'd been. A chuckle came from her as he pounced at the pile, practicing hunting skills on the dead meat. They scattered about as he chased them down and swallowed them. Her eyes actually held a warmth to them as he tore through the pile, playing with them. Is that what her pups would have been like? Cheerful, energetic, taking down their meals with such enthusiasm. A true sign of health, having the energy to go after what they wanted. Not sickly and weak like hers had been. Her chest throbbed a little, but Amy pushed it aside, eating more of the meat.

The pup was choking. Rapidly Amy leaned over, making sure he was alright. Relaxing as it subsided Amy leaned back, only to have him shoot back into his lap. It didn't look like she was going to be getting rid of him so easily. Her arms wrapped around him, holding his shaking body close. Silly Keraun. You really are frightened, aren't you? Sighing she laid down next to the fire, letting him stay close. It wouldn't hurt if it was only for tonight. After all, it was storming pretty hard.

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