self sabotage

Word Count & OCC→ 000/

Io kept her eyes down at her work, flicking them up occasionally as not to appear rude and to show her interest in the subject. Nimble white digits moved over the wood to align it, two large, squarish beams in a tidy, precise triangle shape. Pulling a nail from between her jaws, Io set it into the wood quickly, with a single, swift movement. The hybrid repeated this on the other side, and then again until she had a trio of triangle beams and tugged the beams lightly to make sure they were stable. Moving on she took a few equal sized planks and began making them into an A frame to use as a roof. And she voiced this. 'This will be the roof'.

Nailing the roof together, she looked up for her work momentarily, pausing as she finished a nail. 'And it would mean quicker backup. Leon Austral told me about your recent troubles' She gave a light smile, knowing that it had been the reason Ulilohi had been instated. 'There is nothing wrong with that' she chuckled lightly turning back to her work, 'You have many other qualities to make up for that'.

'Ahh, X'yrin...' Io mused, 'I spent time in Ichika before. But, things got complicated and it went against what I believed in. People were punished for protecting themselves and their family...' Not that was something that disturbed her deeply. 'I suppose we could ask the scout to find her and ask? Ichika has disbanded but she may not have strayed far...'

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