seven years bad luck
They were like to fires raging over the same space, to take the whole of the land and leave nothing behind. The flames were a power to each their own, to be respected yet feared, but the two were fighting to conquer. Their rage was doing nothing but towering and driving higher and higher. Her eyes flashed with a spark of that fire as she threw herself back against the wall, rising up on her knees as she spat at him. She didn't really hate him, she wanted to hate him with all her heart but there was no place in her heart for that rage. The tears that ran down her face she couldn't help, for once she wasn't in control and she didn't care. The child on the brink of adulthood had finally escaped from the prison the lass kept her in and after moons of being held in bonds she'd have her way, not matter how little it made her seem.

A million excuses she could give for the things she did, a million reasons for the pain she'd caused herself and the pain she caused him, yet none of them was even worth bringing to the table. Every small pleasure she'd been given and had gave was nothing in this moment with the fire tempering the two and neither of them giving an inch. What she'd screamed was meant to hurt and yet instead of showing the pain he threw back in her face words just as brutal.

The verbal slap brought the anger around full force again just as she was beginning to wan off in her anger, she'd been running close to empty but his words had made her drive deeper into the center of that core. She'd been running on fumes and yet now he'd breathed life back into the embers, a backdraft blossoming, exploding from her as she screamed, pushing herself off the bed and flinging her smaller frame at the male. "If I'm nothing then show me! Show me I'm nothing to you." Her fists pounded against his chests as she sobbed. "Damn you Haku!" she screamed, the child demanding that he show her just what little she was to him, daring him to do to her what he'd done to others he cared nothing of.

She'd take it quietly, she'd deserve it, but atleast she'd finally get the attention that she'd craved from the male. She's be nothing to him, but atleast she'd feel like she was something. He'd make her feel more alive than ever, Her emerald eyes were closed tight as she dug the nails of one paw into his chest, the other still senselessly beating against him, nagging at him. So she was nothing, then let her be his nothing. Let him show her just how worthless she was.

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