Sky Above, Earth Below
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The song she played for him through her words were meant for his ears alone to receive. The subtle crescendo of her voice, the careful play of her tones to his ears, much more was comprised within that silent song than a conscious stream of words alone. And she knew that he would know... he would always know. Yet it was disheartening to even ponder on the thought that his words to her were simply just that; words meant to appease her ears but not her heart.

Though she smiled to him and felt her heart swell with the kind touch he gave to her, it was not without a subtle pain that she received them with no tell except for the minute twitch at the tip of her tail. Having him so near was a blessing and at the same time, a dreadful sting into her soul. A bed of violet roses... yes. That was what their loved had become. A tantalizing anomaly that drew her nearer by its beauty and scent and through she tried to embrace it and steal a blossom for herself, the ruthless thorns were there to greet her, piercing mercilessly through her hide. Rapturous as those blossoms were, they were not hers to have. He was not hers to have. But upon the tips of the thorns, she could admire their beauty and try once more to withstand the pain of their touch.

With a fond smile, she followed the decent of her beloved friend to the ground and smoothly draped an arm across him. Still upright, she leaned over his lying form lowering her head toward his muzzle as streams of red veiled the pair in a private reserve. "Hm..." softly, she mulled over his question, recalling the past few days' events. "I returned to our old home for a short time to retrieve a few things that were forgotten during our move. And on my return, I met a young female who was troubled by a bird. I helped the two communicate with each other. What about you? What you been 'up' to?"

352 words.


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