Bury all your secrets in my skin

he’s a myth that I have to believe in
all I need to make it real is one more reason

Word Count → 390 || Points → 3 :: LOL just so you know… Axe is ‘naked’ too O.O

She put a face as if to seem like his words offended her. Axelle would be the last person to worry about her reputation, and about who would think what. She was free to do whatever she pleased without the chains of judgment holding her back. She was the one who snorted this time. She stopped touching him and flopped over on her back again, ”I don’t care what others think, Kai.” Her tone was a little annoyed, ”If I did, then it would’ve stopped me from what I’m doing a long time ago.”

Nudity wasn’t something that bothered her at all. To her, it wasn’t nudity- It was natural. They were wolves somewhere in their core and wolves didn’t wear clothes. Luperci shouldn’t have to either. Wearing clothes was a choice, and also a choice that she only chose to do sometimes. Today wasn’t one of those days. Her skirt lay, folded on a nearby shelf, but she had no intention of putting it on. Although she felt pretty in her skirt, she also didn’t require wearing it all the time. As for Kai being naked next to her, it wasn’t his nakedness that distracted her. It was him; with or without clothes, she would still have the urge to look places that she shouldn’t. Her eyes always managed to wander at the most inappropriate times.

Luckily, being on her back right now didn’t give her the opportunity to look at below the belt areas, unless she wanted to make it obvious and crane her neck. They were always on her mind, though, being the pervert she was. She kept her eyes toward the ceiling and searched for the right words to tell him. ”You should be worried about being with ‘the likes of me’, Kai.” She still didn’t have a nickname for him… Cupcake will do.

She rolled over the other way, away from Kai, and onto her stomach. She was now in the middle of her bed, nearby the pillows, but she didn’t take any of them. Instead, she kept herself up by her elbows. ”So… What are you getting at really, Kai?” It wasn't a suitable time to throw cupcake at him. She was thinking about cutting to the chase and telling him how she felt about him herself, if he didn’t want to do it now.

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