Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Her usual wares were not enough for him? That was just fine. Amy catered to all sorts of clientele, from those who traded in material goods to trading in information, to exchanges of favors. He was rather intelligent, discarding the items she had offered in exchange for whatever it was he'd be asking for. These were the goods she held that were worth the most, after all. His words were not appreciated, only Amy's mask keeping her from ripping his throat out. She was not some slut to trade for!

Did he really think this would work? Flirting with her, while inferring that she would be willing to sell her body? Amy had more value than that! He wasn't going to touch her. None of this showed beyond a brief flicker in her eyes. Of course. I can get you most things you desire. If he desired her, he was out of luck, and likely to be killed for the attempt. Shall I wait until you return with the meal? She didn't trust him to not just take what he wanted and run.

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