Love Lost, No Love Found

OOC here!

Thana knew perfectly well what had to be done. Jaden would end up with X’yrin at some point anyway. She was the alpha, she could probably take him if she wanted to. Thana knew she wasn’t good enough for him anyways. She never would be. It would be best to just get it done and over with. Jaden offered her the seat beside him but she shook her head. I would prefer to stand right now. In truth, it was easier for her to leave if she wasn’t sitting beside him, feeling his warmth. Jaden, I love you, but I can’t do this anymore. You should be with X’yrin. You barely know me and you deserve someone much better than me. She took a deep breath as tears started to form. Anna is in the room, collecting our things. We are leaving after I’m done talking with you. She took a step back, wanting to run so he wouldn’t see her cry. Instead, she just turned around, facing away from him as tears began to flow. She didn’t want to leave him, but she had to. He deserved someone so much better than her. She was a killer, a slave owner. There was no way he would even want her to be his mate, let alone have a family with at some point. He would be much better off with X’yrin. They were both alpha’s and she could give him strong pups. She was better in every way. Thana had to give him up for her.

Rising from the ruins

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