what have you done now?

Thanks for starting this!

indentShe watched him carefully. The reason for not making eye contact was simple, she did not want to anger him more. Although, she did not realize that her eyes glancing every which way but him could have been a sign of lying. Faol waited, holding her breath after she let those words slip. His hand moved to her face and she touched it gently with her fingers before he spoke again. Faol looked right at him, dead in the eyes.

indent"I love you." This time she did not look away, no. She stared at him, red eyes showing every conflicting emotion, but the one that stood out most of all was pain. She hurt him, even though it was not anywhere close to her intention. Did she dare say another word? Was anything else needed? She could not think, her mind was swamped with so many thoughts and his emotions coursing through her own veins made her more confused than ever. Faol wanted to lean in and hug him, but she would not break eye contact, not until he understood it was the truth. Her heart and her breath stopped, awaiting his next reaction.


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