[p] there's nothing that the road cannot heal

Ithiel is by me!

The dust-colored hybrid watched with a certain amount of apprehension as she took the bracelets and put them on, inquiring upon their maker. The dark-furred hybrid was more anxious than he had ever been before a fight or mission, and he was angry with himself for the nervousness. Cercatori d'Arte. A blind woman made them, he said, thinking perhaps this tidbit would endear the bracelets to her that much more. Ithiel had been impressed with Hotaru's skills; perhaps Alma might feel the same.

He nodded a small nod of approval as she slipped the bracelets on to each wrist, deep crimson eyes searching her face for a reaction. For a moment, nothing -- and then she smiled, a broad and well-pleased grin that evoked a wag of Ithiel's tail. He'd done well, and -- she jumped at him, and the dark male almost leaped back purely of instinct. He jerked visibly, but held his place in the end, and even lifted his hands awkwardly to return the hug. It was more contact than he'd ever had with anyone, and the dust-colored hybrid was surprised by the fierceness of his emotion at her actions and words. He wasn't supposed to like being called cute -- and yet, he did.

The pale tip of his tail wavered behind him, and he looked toward her with perhaps the broadest smile he'd given since puppyhood. I -- he stopped, not knowing what he was about to say or what he should say. I'm glad you like them, he finished, weakly. His tail was still wagging, but the grin was gone, replaced by a look of faint contentment.

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