rattle my chains
OOC: Lorri's rper claims first post, so if anyone else wants to follow to harass Firefly just wait til she posts first or hit me up on PM and I'll start another thread to torment Firefly.

The girl was bored. So fucking bored. She sat there with her head leaning back against the wall as the thin strip of light seemed to pour through the cracks in the prison. Just for practice if the stupid child they'd set to watch her was still there she jerked back her leg and gave a hard kick to the door, the thundering boom echoing in the encloser as she smirked to herself. She had no love for those in this clan, and the fact that the leaders treated her like so prized possession to teach their youth how to see the horrible monsters that wolves were. She had to just laugh.

It had been more than obvious to her that Anselm was a hybrid and half the world of this fucking clan was just the same. She wondered how stupid you had to be to make yourself blind to the blood you carried and hated others that carried the same. True enough, the clan had reason enough to hate her pack, but this battle had been going on long before the two of them clashed. She snarled and threw one of the bones that the foolish child had slid into the building against the door as well. The crash it made as it rattled to the ground let her lips with a grim smile. She figured she should get some sortof enjoyment out of this if she was going to be here a while.

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