And this is crazy
It was her turn to wait in tense silence as she had made him do earlier in the conversation. Her throat was raw and her nerves were shot, she felt queasy and sick, a hand crept to her stomach as though she could control the rolling feelings by touch alone. It didn't work however and she still felt no better. Then his arm tightened and she finally saw the smile bloom onto his face. Her own return was just as strong, just as loving. This life together was theirs and nobody else's to complain about or criticize.

"I don't think I'm very far in, I only realized what the feelings meant yesterday, I've been thinking on the best way to tell you, but... the words were lost, they wouldn't come." She fidgeted a bit, his arm still around her and then asked a question that would get them both thinking,

"We should pick out names. Do you have any ideas?"

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