[M] some kinda nerve

short >.<

Word Count → 000

He knew better than to drown his sorrows in alcohol. But he did so anyway. The wine bottle, a Spanish vintage from Zaragoza, was three quarters empty. Though, in Angel's defence, it had been almost half empty already, with Angel taking a quarter out of it by drinking. He was far from drunk though, it was just enough to make his emotions numb. Just what he needed. The cross and medallion on his chest rung as he moved down the stairs. He didn't know if Emmanuelle was present within the building and if so he didn't want to run into her in the slightest. Angel wasn't quite running, but he wasn't quite dawdling either. After all, he would still be in his room had it not been for Ana and her scolding. She was, of course, no less pleased at the news than Angel.

The Spaniard moved outside, opening the door with the single hand that was not holding the bottle. He smelt Alma before he even exited the door, he would have been worried had he realised how close the orange female was to Emmanuelle. And he would have run away fast, but as he sat down he bid her good morning, he was oblivious to their friendship. Ha, if only he knew the earful he was about to get.

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