Painful Wake.

WC: 336 OOC: Le gasp!!!

Niro winced as he saw his sister and her puppies in the doorway. He knew she shouldn’t see him like this. He had always kept his injuries a secret when he could; even with any injury he got when he fought and killed in the southernlands. But now... he could barely move from the pain and the thick bandaging over his body. Many cuts were deliberate and that made it all the more painful for his sister to see. He barely recalled what happened but he knew he was helpless by a very young woman. he was at her mercy and there was nothing he could do. he tried his best to keep her away but she had him tied up. As she spoke he shook his head and tried shrugging only to give new pain to his eaten shouder.

“I- I don’t know I just woke up... I’m not sure how I even got here!”

He exclaimed. Though he didn’t want her to see him like this, he was glad she was here. His well being was all the better to see a friendly face. He was quiet though, not wanting to talk about it. It had been a traumatizing experience from the moment he woke up from the searing pain in his ankle to the moments he fainted when he sent Marahute away to find help. It seemed she had since he was here and alive.... at least he thought he was alive.

“I’m not dead am I?”

He asked half jokingly smiling though that hurt too and he winced from the pain his face felt at such humor. He closed his eyes (even that hurt now) so that he didn’t have to see the pity in her eyes to see that he had failed as a man. Never in his life could he understand being beaten this badly. How it happened so quickly and yet it felt like it lasted for so many days...

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