Beautiful Body
Papa's arms wrapped around her body as Dalgina cried. It didn't seem like it would stop. It was a silly thing to cry over, despite how frustrated she felt. Head hidden in her fur she let the worries leave her. It was alright. She was safe with Papa. No matter how poorly she felt, she knew he would make everything better. As long as he was there her world would be alright. Dalgina knew that there were frightening things out in the world, but as far as she knew her parents could take care of it all. Closing her eyes she just let the warmth flood through her, idly noting their matching fur.

Asked what was wrong Dalgina blushed. It wasn't something she really wanted to talk about. Shaking her head she held onto him tighter. Thinking about it just made her feel terrible. The flower had refused to stay, and the plain colors...But telling that to Papa seemed wrong. He had black fur like her after all. Saying that she didn't like it would almost be mean. Besides, it wasn't really the black fur that was the problem. It was that she didn't look pretty. I'm...not pretty. Did she say that out loud? It was embarrassing, but the truth.

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