Sucked into another black hole
Word Count :: 567 <3 Dated to the 30th work for you?

Restlessly she shuffled around upon the spot, brushing her fur this way and that, reaching up and playing with her fringe in an attempt to make herself as presentable as possible, all the while blue eyes constantly darted each direction as she waited for some form of response or for someone to turn up. Doubt bleed into her, the golden women suddenly feeling foolish and highly questioning what had made her think she'd find him out here in the first place, although regardless of her uncertainty she did not move forward, did not proceed to check out the scent and confirm for sure whether it was a border or just some loners feeble claim to a small area. Pride would not allow for her to leave until her information was truly proved wrong... no, until then she would believe that she had the right location.... Even if she was nervous and jumpy and longed to return home.

The golden Risna's anxiety wasn't stemmed from the fact that she was incapable of defending herself, for the librarian knew of basic self defence and believed herself able of protecting her own back end, nor did she truly possess a reason to be jumpy and overly cautious as she was; but then it had been a long time since she had truly been on her own, feeling isolated and unprotected by others. Whenever she had gone out to gather resources she was accompanied by Turnip and Jason, as she roamed Anathema lands she was under the watchful eyes of their crows. Within Vinatta the houses were so close together she always felt sure that there was someone nearby whom meant her good will; she had been alone before without truly being alone. Standing out in what could be described as the middle of nowhere though, conscious of the fact that for once she was most certainly alone... she couldn't help but to be put on edge.

“And the dropping sun does little to aid my paranoia” she announced, sarcasm rolling easily from her lips. Chuckling to herself the golden woman begun to apply logic to each sound she heard, rationalizing her childish fears and anxiety with hard facts she had learnt, comforting herself in the fact she wasn't some helpless little girl who couldn't defend herself if someone unwanted answered her call.

Flicking her fringe away from her eyes she ran a hand along the top of her dreads before returning it to wrapping around her stomach, ocean eyes staring fixated as an approaching form came into her sights; seemingly familiar from a distance but it was not until his face with it's toothy smile was right before her did she allow herself to truly believe that he was there, and that she had gotten the right location after all. “Brother!” she yipped loudly in response, running the remaining distance between herself and him, throwing herself into his open arms without any hesitation, arms wrapping tightly around his neck as she rubbed her check against his briefly before stepping back, keeping her arms loosely upon his shoulders; if he didn't like her contact he could easily shrug her off.

“Dammit Siri! Do you know how dang hard you are to track down? I was waiting here actually doubting myself for a moment” she complained half heartedly, grumbling a little towards the end. “How have you been? It's been too long”

Photo courtesy of Analog Weapon, texture by SweettEmottion

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