seven years bad luck

Hate and love was part of the same thing, really. There was nowhere else love could turn so swiftly into white glowing fire. The psychical pain was good. He still liked holding her close, to feel her warmth. His heart beat steady against his leaking chest, now with a spiced up pain because of salty tears kissing the wounds. He liked to see her upset, because it.. He felt a new feeling bloom from the core of his soul, a feeling that took his breath away. He was the reason why she wept. Why? Why, why, why did he not leave her? How could he answer when he did not know himself. Oh, so fucked up.

I have the only key to your heart

His muzzle lowered and touched the silk attached to him. Even while weeping, the female was lovely. He tightened the grip around her, but he did not answer her. It was strange how he could instantly shift from furious into… something else. He couldn’t control himself properly anymore, it seemed. A hand slid slightly lower down her back, but nothing more. The warm fur was wonderful under his hand. It was reckless desire, yet on a deeper level. He wanted to comfort her and love her and make everything good again. He wanted to whisper sweet comforting words into her ears and take her with to places she wanted to go.

I can stop you from falling apart

But he was Haku, he only destroyed things. The fire had lit and exploded into a deadly monster, then dulled down into still glowing ash, turning softly into warm and soft powder, and now was the time for the wind to brutally sweep it all away. Arms vanished and appeared again between them, forcing her away from him. A gentle push followed up by swift movements. He walked away, out of the door, out of the house, out of Dahlia. Fairytales were not real, not in his world. The end.


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