Lifestyles of the rash and jagged
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Not the best post >< wc: 370

It wasn't a particularly different day as Khaden trotted along listlessly around the northern region of Souls. He seemed to notice that the more and more time went on since Ember had left Twilight Vale's secure sanctuary, the more and more Khaden continued to travel closer and closer to Shadowed Sun and the pack land around there. He had never quite walked beyond those borders, not yet anyways. He didn't quite know what to say to Ember, what to say to anyone that lived within those invisible walls - he had naught talked to anyone there, and didn't want to be rude just to steal some precious seconds with the Phoenix girl.

So there he was, circling closer and closer to the forbidden terrain. He had loped up into the Halcyon Mountains, just to come back down again, realizing that he was dangerously close to the Inferni borders. That, by itself, was something that Khaden did not want to attempt. He had met coyotes before, such as Laurel or even out on the road, but there was nothing more malicious than Inferni's reputation. So naturally, he skirted around those borders and seemed to be deposited on the coast of the Waste.

He picked his way through the shores and cliffs of the northern territory, keeping clear of the water despite his secui form. It would be a waste of a good life to get caught up in those sheer rocks that dotted the shores well into the water. Hesitating slightly, his paws halted as he peered into the water. A black figure seemed to be swept up into the torrent of water, being thrashed this way and that. Eyes widening, Khaden immediately jolted across the shores, ignoring as the jagged rocks pierced through his well weathered feet.

It wasn't long at all before he had hit the water, his limbs working to their peak in order to grab the canine figure and swim her back to shore. Teeth reached out to grab the scruff of her neck as he fought the swirls of currents that seemed to want to hinder his process as he continued to try. He would help her, save her, from this wretched coast.

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