Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

What she said about Jaden was not an opinion, but fact. He did know more than he showed, as much an actor as the wolf that she know spoke with. They had much in common with keeping their true nature hidden beneath the surface. Her opinion of X'yrin's foolish nature had been garnered from fact, if she hadn't stated why X'yrin was a fool. Her expression remained calm as he continued challenging her, pressing for what she was unwilling to give him. It was true, she had hoped that he would swallow the information. It did fit the price of the rabbits. It wasn't as specific as he would like though, and not entirely information.

Anger did cross her features as he continued. It mattered very much what he gave her. Amy always gave a fair price. It was why she was successful. She was honest in her dealings, no matter who it was she was dealing with. Her form grew still, changing from the merchant into the killer that lurked beneath. It wasn't an obvious change, a tension that hadn't been there before, calculations in her eyes that spoke not of wealth but death. There would be no openings in her defenses.

How dare he make opinions on her after such a small meeting! True, they had been formulating opinions of each other, testing each other, this entire time. It was quite another to come out and say that. You look for a mirror to gaze upon. I suggest you look again, and make sure that you know what you're looking for. You're right, I didn't give you information on X'yrin. So I'll tell you then a single fact, and that is all. Someone like you could run far with it. She paused, measuring to see if it was acceptable.

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