
Current Objective: Trading. ---
Mood: Curious!----

OOC: Indeed

He had seen that change before. And that alone was enough to set him off. There was a change in the air, and the way she stood made it difficult to find an attack opening. Most of all though it was her eyes, eyes that brought him back to that specific moment. Jaden standing between him and X’y, hand going to his knife. Ready to hunt, ready to kill. His own words echoed through his mind. ” Perhaps you just don’t care who you kill”. Those words of course had struck a blow to the heart of the dark furred wolf…they were a bluffing arrow, but it had struck home. So it shivered with some truth in its target and now he met this woman. His words seeming to draw the truth of her out like poison from a wound. She was hiding something, hiding something like Jaden….she and he were killers. But killers of what kind? Again, the wounded face of the alpha, guilt? Regret?

”…It occurs to me that you seem to be redirecting my attention…and are doing a wonderful job of it”

He replied in response to Amy’s offer. She had spoken first indicating distaste for X’y and the idea that she knew more about Jaden. At which point she had asked for a higher price for this information. The fact she asked for more concerning this and was now willing to give information about X’y to him for free indicated two things. First of all that she considered the information about Jaden worth far more than X’yrin. And secondly, that this redirection, this bait and hook was to move his attention away from Jaden. ”..I see you are a capable mind, so I will speak plainly with you. Our deal remains, but the prices change. Tell me what you want in exchange for ALL your information on Jaden…”.

Word Count: 335


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