Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Her eyes narrowed, listening for a cheat. It seemed fair enough, a technique she herself used when filling large orders. She knew that the information she held was worthy of the price she asked. The question was would he still be willing to pay when he realized exactly what being in debt to her involved. A former pack. He held back some information, but that was because it would possibly divulge more information about himself than he was willing to give her. So the pack had already failed when X'ies came here. Interesting.

Her eyes widened with surprise on the last question before laughing. Jaden is similar to me, it's true. It's why there's a tie between us. We instinctively sense our own kind. Especially those with a darker taint. I'm not sure what he thinks of me, but he does have worth. Someone very useful to befriend. He is a killer. Trained for it. Not just some silly hunter, but someone to take down and kill those who get in the way. He has a powerful family in the north. Alaska, if I remember properly. They're all dead now. There's just him left, and he was the best of them.

He is very observant. Someone to treat with care. You treat him lightly, and he will strike. He left his family because he didn't want to be associated with their dark endeavors. He considers himself a good guy, but he hasn't done good things. His heart is weak, but that doesn't mean he's easy to manipulate. He didn't get to where he is by floating along. He pays his debts, and has honor. He has a sharp mind, and can easily see the true nature of someone else.

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