J: Looking for home
OOC:Hmm, I'm guessing Alakai is now a mind reader. Or he's just following Lukos' gaze. It took me three days to write this (probably because my brother brought my Kinect to my dad's house and he started playing it.) and I finally finished. It's sort of a pet peeve of mine to take so long.

So there are people living in that building. Aeron huh,I guess they probably would help me, I think. Unless they're like Alakai, or even Malakai. He saw that the first wolves of the pack he saw were rather, disinterested. Besides Malakai's threats and Alakai's warning's and tours, but they were supposed to do those things. It's what you do to new members. Unless there were a lot of wolves that joined recently! Of course, they're bored because they probably had about five wolves join recently. There could be new members like me here.

He reminded himself at the present. He was standing with his guide and Angelo, learning about the surroundings of his new home. "I guess I'll need all the help I can get for fixing the house I choose." He said, eyeing the ill-kept houses. He heard Alakai speak about the crows, and he replied "So those were your crows. Well, assuming you claim ownership of them. But they are crows, so I guess they take care of themselves." There might be something of use in the caves, or at least friendly people. "Thanks, I might visit the caves sometime." But for now, I have a home to select. "Thank you very much for your time and generosity. Now if you will kindly excuse me," Looking at the houses he sighed, and started walking towards them, "I have work to do."

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