[p] there's nothing that the road cannot heal


Ithiel is by me!

Too late, the dark-furred hybrid realized his meaning was lost, confused in all the words. Lifting his hand to scratch at the back of his head, he frowned, looking as uncomfortable as he'd ever looked. Ah, he said, ears flicking back against his head. I meant -- you said I was more polite than most, he explained. I have never been called polite. While this wasn't entirely true -- Ithiel understood manners perfectly well, and was not a brash or excessively boisterous canine -- the dark-furred coyote lacked almost all warmth.

I just thought -- if I am considered polite... he trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid. Sorry, he added after a moment, still frowning and wondering whether he'd gone and screwed it all up. His hand dropped, and he looked toward her almost anxiously, waiting to see if he'd offended her. He didn't know what to make of her uncle's belief of Luperci as demons; he left that go entirely, confused by it. There were demons in the world, but not those of flesh and bone.

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