taking the long way home

She’s giggle city! Tongue

Word Count → 504

Confidence radiated off the three lupine bodies and for good reason. Each had struggled with their own inner dialogues and worries during the trip, but all three had come out victorious and on top. They had gone to Casa to learn and learn they did. Though not everyone felt as comfortable within their own skin while in the new pack as Drin had, they each were definitely taking something away from the knights, the knowledge and skills they needed to be even more confident wolves. Palaydrian couldn’t wait to spar and try out some of the moves she had learned on Jiva, though a match might be a little unfair with everything she had absorbed. It was important to practice so as not to become rusty, but even more pertinent to not use their skills for malicious reasons. Drin wondered if that also meant she couldn’t willing go out hunting down Aram for a rematch, this time being the one to surprise him and completely catch him off guard, but she knew this was a silly thought, only borne by her newfound strength and confidence.

The woman’s heart swelled for her pack mates. Now they shared another bond with one another. They had experienced a daunting task and had come out of the fray unscathed. She’d remember this journey for a lifetime, the friends they had made, the meals they had shared, and the intimate moments of conversation they had spent during the nights together. Each day brought them something new, but they faced the challenges together and the overall trip seemed to strengthen the bond that New Dawn asked of them. If anything else other than the fighting skills could be taken from the Casa trip, it would be the insight into her brother’s and sister’s heads. This was her family now and she knew without a doubt that she’d protect their lives with her own and they hers.

Tharin was the first to answer and Drin’s laughter bubbled even more. She hadn’t expected anything else from her stoic brother but she could tell he was much more comfortable out in the wild as they were and so close to home. They definitely were strange, she replied, finding it difficult and quite comical to see Tharin don some of their clothes. No, he would forever be pure wolf in her eyes. Fayne spoke next and her admission stopped Drin in her tracks. The golden fae rolled into the grass, a fit of giggles completely robbing her of breath. Fayne was too adorable! The woman rolled back onto her seal pointed paws and affectionately nudged her sister. Your apology is no good here, she said in between light hearted laughter. I didn’t mind it one bit, and I knew how hard it must’ve been, but hiding under the covers! The woman surrendered to laughing once again, tongue lolling out to the side and loving every moment spent with these two pack mates.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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