take me as i am
She saw a slight perk from her mate and a glimmer in his eyes as he smiled at her replying to her chastise. She was glad to hear he was feeling better, surely it had to do with the herbal remedies from Noah. Adonia smiled brightly, her eyes glimmer at his tease, and wink that followed. It made her feel warm inside to have him close again. Her anger and frustration almost forgotten as he continued to look so free and fun. Suddenly, though, things changed. The atmosphere feeling heavy and unwelcoming. His sparkle gone, and his voice changed.

She didn't like it, and almost as if sensing this, Theos came soaring down from the heavens and landing upon her shoulder, his eyes looking both at her and to Ookami. The swooping toward her was acknowledged by the way her ears swiveled back, but that could also be interpreted as her not liking the change in emotions that surrounded the mated couple.

His words caught her attention and she swallowed hard as he spoke. She picked out a few of his words and chewed on them, then she interjected here and there, "...you didn't really leave me...not like you had, at least....Ookami...you're not unworthy...what do you mean by that anyway?" Her voice was soft as she felt the pit of her stomach begin to ache. Was he going to leave her? Was...was he ending their relationship!? His voice cracked and her ears flicked forward quickly, as she stepped toward her secui mate. Then the words she heard "better, if I left you...forever.." It wasn't really what he said...but that is what she heard. Her breath was caught, the weight on her chest so heavy she couldn't think, breath, or move.

This was worst than Domonick disappearing...than when Ookami disappeared. At least, it left her mind wondering...this was fact, this wasn't a mystery.

She felt wrecked, and lost. Her eyes frozen in horror for a moment, then finally tears began to weld up like a rushing flood. Her muzzle left dropped open as she stared at him lost. Ookami spoke again, and she wasn't sure what to make of the words, they just fell on deaf ears, only a few making it through ...need...Love...you...much...tell...best for you...that matters...

Finally she began to move, more like swaying really. Her breathing seeming to come back to her. She was silent as she tried to bat back the tears with her eye lids. Her breaths more like gulps of air. A few sniffles here and there, but really she couldn't speak, and that was when Theo decided to step in, he hissed at Ookami. "How can you do this to her!? After all she's done, put up with!? I don't know who you are...but I'll tell you this: Adonia loves you, and I don't know why you think leaving her is best, after she turned down two males waiting for you...this Ookami... she shoulda just went with one of 'em...not that gray wolf...he's missing a leg..he'd be a useless companion.." Theo snorted thinking the last part out loud. Adonia's ears perked up noticing Theos talking about Noah. Her eyes widened and she looked at Theo hoping Ookami didn't pick that up.

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