[aw] wistful days

WC: 359 OOC: and Niro trumps that. He is in optime, and is wearing nothing, he no longer has his awesome hawk and his face is covered with bandages, and so is his right shoulder and left foot is in a cast... he is having tons of trouble haha

Niro finally mastered the stairs, though he had to do his trick he had before, he was in less pain than he had before. It had been at least a week since he was outside. He had to get there. So he used the walls to get him towards the doors of the blasted huge hotel. Why would anyone have such a big place like this. He growled inside his head and though he had to take frequent stops he soon made it close to the doors of the hotel and then came the hard part of opening the door. His shoulder still in too much pain to want to move to much Niro had only one arm to use, but he was determined, even if he had to break through the damn door. After rattling it and pulling hard on it with what little might the man had, it finally came open. He grunted with pain at the unexpected swing in and his shoulder had moved too much.

But the air that came through that door made him feel all the better, and he didn’t expect to see the other wolf there either. He stopped and stared, not sure what to do, his plans of scootching out onto the porch long shot now that the man was there. He grew red, not able to move for a second, but took a breath.

“Would you care to help me out a bit? I did not expect such a dip in the porch.”

The last bit was a lie, but he hoped the man wouldn’t try chasing him back into bed. Niro was so sick of that stupid stinking bed he had no room and even when his pups got up there, it just didn’t feel like home and Amaranth could not sleep with him for when she even touched his shoulder or foot he would wake in pain and be unable to sleep. So his hope for this man to help him out was a deal better than him watching Niro make a fool of himself scootching over to get a little air.

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Table by Meghann!


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