Wading in Shallow Waters
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The mind of a Lambda as she recalled was far too complicated for her to comprehend, and the mind of her friend was more so. But there were moments in their interactions where the face of complication slipped away and there was a kind of simplicity the both could share. It was often a treat found in their childhood and a craving to have it once more began to grow.

She waded patiently in the shallows for him to join her, no doubt with a pin-point observation how she was not actually swimming or bathing but standing, but found herself surprised that instead he assumed his least liked form. Both ears and tail perked in interest even as she was splashed and scampered back a little to avoid further 'damage'. Well now, what brought this change on, she wondered but was none the less pleased to see it. As he came down to her level she swiftly reared back on her hind legs then abruptly slapped her paws on the water's surface to splash him. "Oh my!" she giggled with her voice hitched higher in taunt. "Me the teacher?" She splashed him again then drifted further back into deeper waters. "Next you will call me Shepard and then I wont know what to do!"

As she backed further out into the deeper blues, she sank rather sudden as if grabbed by some unseen entity. What remained of her presence were a few strands of auburn mane but soon they too disappeared below the surface. The seconds ticked by painfully slow nearing a minute at best. Then the surfaced was breeched by a maw gasping for breath. She could not yet stand as her lower half was still in mid transfiguration but once complete, she stood at her fullest height, neck deep in the waters. With a little less grace than desired, she clawed for the shallows and in turn, her friend. When the resistant waters rested just below her waist, she lept for X'ies with the intentions of dragging him down again, this time into the shallows while exclaiming. "This is your bath, student!"

354 words.

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