[M] Just Let Go

My kindle skills grow stronger everyday :p

Word Count → 000

The tuxedo brute moved slowly and with a slight hop in his step, his deer at his side, antlers starting to bud from the top of his head. His spots starting to disappear. Aro was proud of his little hoofed friend. Granted, he himself felt quite odd having a deer as a pet, but he would never let onto that. He made a decision to raise, protect, and care for the growing buck. His promise to the fawn would never he broken no matter the cost.

Aro was high as a cloud, and he was happy. His joint casually hanging from the sidenof his muzzle as he walked joyously along. His thoughts went along from the buck to his most recent companion that he acquired but a month or so ago. He wasn't sure what to think of the male but he had given him small tasks to do, cleaning things and they would duel once or twice a week. He thought about bringing him, but Aro wanted to find and be with Sirrah by himself...the deer...well he wouldn't stay with Raoth. Aro on several occasions felt himself becoming very close and trusting of his 'slave ' though that isn't the word he would ever call the tongueless canine. He was learning quite quickly how to understand Raoth, which made Aro quite proud of himself.

His thoughts were halted by a familiar scent on the wind, his legs followed the halt shortly, and so did Buck. A small grinnformed on the blue eyed deviant and he took a slight puff of his joint to maintain his joyful high. Walking now with a cool sway he followed the scent to its source. His eyes scanning to spot the beauty. It didn't take too long to find her sic sitting on the ground drinking from a flask. His charming grin taking over while he coolly leaned against a large tree. "Well, well, what do my eyes spot? I believe they have found the mysteriously attractive woman I had an encounter with a few months ago, what you think Buck?" The deer was standing at his side ears alertly forward watching the woman cautiously. After many encounters with wolves other than Aro and Raoth he learner not to trust others as he had come to trust them. But even then he didn't trust Raoth as much as he trusted Aro. The tuxedo male continued to smile his strong arms folded at his chest as he watched her, one arm broke the fold to take the joint out of his mouth after one last good puff. It seemed to take his high back up again..taking him now out of this world. He let out a pleased moan before putting it out on the tree and flicking it a ways away. He watched it casually land. His eyes went back to her pushing himself from the tree with his hip he walked over to her, Buck staying a safe distance away, " Told ya' I'd be back to find you.." He teases as he sat himself Indian style in front of her. His glassy blood shot eyes twinkling thoughtfully into hers.

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