taking the long way home


Word Count → 425

It had been too long since Palaydrian had enjoyed the simple comforts of being wolf. Tharin’s affectionate nuzzle combined with Fayne’s fawning over her made her realize what she loved most about being in New Dawn and clinging to the natural ways. She returned their affections with her own nuzzling and chins licks, tail now wagging merrily behind her in the comfort of her friends. The playful antics her merriment had caused made her heart swell with love and belonging as the confessions left their mouths openly in the wild. It was good for everyone to get their feelings and emotions off their chest, especially since they would be returning home today. Drin only wanted them to be in their highest spirits, showing their other pack brothers and sisters that not all things outside of New Dawn lands were threatening. She felt her and Fayne’s leaving was symbolic in a sense. Two women who had been attacked didn’t allow their fear to control them, instead they sought the knowledge and skills needed to overcome it and with Tharin by their sides, they were returning soundly to their homelands as confident and strong as ever.

Palaydrian pawed back at her silver sister, it was good to just feel unburdened once again and she too joined in on nipping at Tharin, a man who in some senses, risked more than they had accompanying them. I think it was good for us to be out of our comfort zones, Drin said thoughtfully after play swiping Fayne. It kind of forced us to, what’s the word...”man-up”? She said, head cocked to the side as she mouthed the word a few times. It made us face our fears head on and without hesitation, but no matter...I’m glad you came Tharin, she said with a whine leaning some of her weight into his shoulder before prancing ahead playfully. The trip had taken a lot out of them, but had given them more in return.

You’re it! She squealed as she bounded away from Tharin, a spontaneous game of tag was great way of breaking up a serious conversation. They still had much to talk about, but Drin wanted to keep things light for now and stretching out her limbs from a bed she knew she wouldn’t have been able to become accustomed to felt just right. She glanced back at her brother and sister and gave forth an encouraging bark before darting off once more.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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