Wading in Shallow Waters
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Despite the topic of conversation, she continued to work through his mane with the same rhythmic strokes of her claws. Carefully assessing each separated section while doing so, then carefully drifted down to his matted shoulders. From there, she began picking through the knots and clumps of dead fur and whatever debris was caught in it. Whilst doing so, she sighed softly with ears performing the unmistakable dance of vigilance.

A silence had fallen between them as her companion boarded his train of thought and rode it toward some unknown destination. Knowing him as well as she did, it wouldn't be for long, and just as suddenly as he had drifted to silence, he would provide a well calculated response. She had learned not to look at this factor with annoyance, but understanding. This was how he was, and this was how she accepted him.

As she unmatted one shoulder and moved to the other, she spoke at last, drawing her ears forward earning her full attention. She had a mind to correct him as there were now two females in the pack. Though only one that was able to breed while the other recovered from her personal trauma. But had he assumed she was talking about herself? She said nothing of this of course and instead listened on as he inhaled in preparing to speak. Her dexterous fingers came to a sudden halt on his shoulder. Her ears still resounding the cold, logical sound of his voice.

"She does not belong to anyone..." she needn't think upon these words to voice this truth. Had he known the extent of love, he would have known that one being does not belong to another. But bonds that tether two together were earned and forged by and understanding with the other. Bonds she had ignored... for fear they were now beyond her grasp. Since Thana had left his life, the golden female had yet to talk with her fellow leader with how it had affected him. A distance had steadily grown even if it was not physically apparent by their interactions, it was there. And the void had instilled in her some doubt as to what remained of their relationship. Had he loved her so much that her departure had crippled him so? ...had she interfered with something more?

Slowly her claws drifted from the back of her companion as her ears too fell and her head lowered. Truly, the Lambda knew just the topics to get her thinking...even if the thoughts were painful.

422 words.

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