Angels lie to keep control

WC:1017+ - OOC Points - 10

Kai had glanced back over his shoulder to Axelle as she lay on the bed of the apartment, and smiled just a little to himself as he heard the female snore softly, her breaths calm and steady. He had been concerned that if sleep took her, she wouldn't wake up, but for now at least, it seemed restful. Loping from the apartment, well aware of how covered in blood he was, he was thankful for the dark tone of his pelt, disguising his bloody form at least from a distance. The powerful coppery smell of the attackers blood faded as his distance from the apartment grew and his sense of smell became more useful as he was able to pick up more than blood.

He didn't know where Rio might be or where she lived. The only place he had ever seen her was around a few shops, when he had dived onto her bird. Perhaps that was a good location to start with, and so after about twenty minutes of running, he made it to the place he recognized. His eyes trailed over the shop fronts, peering in through the windows but seeing nothing move within. Sniffing along the bench Rio had lounged on during their first and last meeting, Kai tried to see if her scent was around, but he couldn't pick up anything tangiable. With a snort, he wondered if maybe he should head back to Axelle, if maybe looking for Rio was a waste of time. Perhaps it would be better if he simply carried her the way back to Anathema. His female's wounds seemed fairly shallow for the most part but she had lost a lot of blood, she was weak. Panic began to bubble up within him, and he decided to head back to the apartment where he had left her.

It was only the snort of a nearby animal that caught his attention, and as his head turned, his muzzle lifted and he began sniffing the air. Padding closer, Malakai's luck improved vastly as he caught sight of the black female he had been looking for, not far from a horse. While relief washed over him at finding Rio, still the worry and concern was etched upon his features. He told Rio about Axelle, about her injuries, asking if she would help him. He feared she wouldn't - why would she? On their first meeting, Kai had injured her bird-friend's wing, insulted her, scared her and been generally awful to be around. But by some miracle, she agreed to help.

Horses were not his favourite animal, mainly because they were so unpredictable in his experience and could do some serious injury with a swift kick, but Rio suggested they ride the horse to the apartment. Kai agreed, simply because it would be quicker, and in his Optime form, he reluctantly climbed aboard the creature, holding onto the saddle tightly and was thankful when the beast brought them safely to the building. Kai could see a few splatters of blood outside, but as he hopped down after Rio, he lead the way inside, past the door he had had to break down to gain access.

Making quick work of the stairs despite how slippery they were, Kai skidded a little at the top as he was faced with the scene before him - Axelle was no longer in bed where he had left her to rest. Instead, she was chewing hungrily on chunks of meat taken from what was left of the male. At first, he was simply surprised - Kai had thought it was a push for her to eat the heart he had given her, never mind devouring wolf meat. But his surprised look faded quickly, as his snout broke in a slow smile. As Rio slipped on the blood, Kai barely even glanced in the black female's direction. Seeing Axelle gulp down the meat of her attacker was probably one of the finest sights he had ever seen, and for some reason, his chest swelled with pride. Oh, she was so perfect for him... Most would feel sick at the mere thought of it, of watching it, but Kai couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight.

Kai made his way over to Axelle's side, crouching down to brush his fingers against her cheek lightly, offering her an approving gaze. "What does it look like she's doing?" He spoke to Rio as she lifted herself from her butt, his eyes remaining fixed upon his female. As Axelle started to climb to her feet, Kai let her try to stand, seeing as she had a little more energy now, but when she fell back to her knees, Kai shuffled just a little bit closer to her, his arm moving to rub up and down her back comfortingly. "This is the someone I told you about, she might be able to help with your wounds, Beautiful." And he meant that term - she was injured and caked in both her own and this male's blood but she had never looked so appealing to him. If she hadn't have been hurt, he probably would have taken her there and then, in amongst all that blood and destruction. But for now, his only concern was getting her well again. He glanced back to Rio with a chuckle. "No, she's not gonna eat you, Rio. You're quite safe." His arms once more wrapped around Axelle, and he stood, sweeping her up in his embrace, lifting her to carry Axelle back to the bed he had left her on, letting her lie there, away from the blood and mess, for Rio's sake more than anything. Kai glanced back to Rio and motioned for her to simply step past the remains of the male to escape the death and blood. "Come in here, it's cleaner. Please, anything you can do to help her wounds would be appreciated." Malakai remained at Axelle's side, his hand raising to rest gently against her forehead, letting his fingers brush against her soothingly, unwilling to leave her side again just yet.

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