take me as i am
She looked at Ookami's eyes, and it almost reflected his thoughts. She sniffled back her tears and then shooed Theo who hissed even more angry. He didn't understand this, and he was almost glad to be out of it for now. Though, if that damn gold wolf hurt his master anymore he'd tear his eyes out. Theo flew from Adonia's shoulder to a nearby tree, perching himself on the low branch. It bent a little from his weight, but he didn't pay any mind to it.

Just as Theo left her side, she looked back to Ookami who was in the middle of doing something she knew was a big mistake. "Ookami!" She rushed over to him, but his change was already in progress, and she could see the pain and her was becoming more panicked, "You're going to cause more injury to yourself! Don't!" He was continuing it, and she just sat there unable to do anything. Her eyes closed tightly as she covered them with her hands. She was alerted to Ookami once more by his simple touch. His thumb pressed her chin up, and she looked at her handsome Ookami, his words cutting through her emotions and jumbled thoughts. He spoke, and some of it she wasn't sure she fully understood. It confused her. He was going to leave her, and now he was saying how much he loved her. But as soon as she tried to understand, he said he wasn't leaving, he was just wanting to know if she wanted him to, she stood and wrapped her arms around his body tightly, "Ookami! I don't want you to leave!" She pressed her face into his, her muzzle pointed down, the bridge of it pressed tightly into him.

He moved her, so he could could cup her face and move her head to look her in the eyes. They were glassy and sad still, but she was relieved. He asked if she was listening and she nodded sniffling again. His muzzle connected with hers, and it was as if it washed away everything. The connection of their lips made everything better, and he pulled away quickly waiting for something, and she knew what he wanted, "I understand...and I love you too...I want to be with you always, too. I really want a family with you too, Ookami....can..can we have puppies...next time?" She really wanted to have puppies. She never really vocalized it, but it was a little sad that she couldn't this year. Her heat was over, but next year she hoped he'd be around. She really wanted to have puppies.

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